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الأحد، 20 مايو 2012
Pharaoh - Title
Beencustom and practiceandterminologyin modern timeson the launch ofthe title ofPharaoh,the rulerof ancient Egypt., Soas usualin the launchtitleson thekings ofthe ancient world, for example,calledon each of theking ofthe Persiansas "fractions" Althoughit iscalledso iskingoftheir kings,thenusualthentolabel eachking ofPersian(fractions),as it is calledthe kings ofthe Romans"(Caesar)",and the kings ofAbyssinia(the Negus), and so onandas usual, peoplein modern timesthey reconcileto grantthe title ofthe kings ofEgypt'sancient(Pharaohs), and wasthe rulerof ancient Egyptwore acrown ofthe two countriesunified(coderedcrownand the crown ofthe northsouthunitedwhitesymbolin the crown ofonesignon the rule ofthe two countriesandnot onceon them), thatruledupper Egyptand Lower Egypt.The conclusionthat the word"Pharaoh" mayhave becomeusedcommonly usedinmodern times,a titlefor the rulerof ancient Egypt, for reasonsdue to thefaith-basedand attempts tointerpretationbiblicalfromone angle,that theinvestigationof languageof thewordremainsa far cry fromthe factdubbedthe rulersof Egyptiansin thistitle.
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